덴마크의 사진가이자 영화 감독인 헨리에트 사브로에 에베센 Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen은 첫 번째 모노그래프 『Self Reflection』에서 사진과 회화, 현실과 환상의 경계를 허물며 인간의 신체와 무의식적 자아를 탐구합니다.
책 전체에 사용된 왜곡된 소재와 자연, 누드, 과일, 꽃을 초현실적인 맥락에 배치함으로써 익숙한 것과 낯선 것 사이의 충돌을 만들고, 다양한 반사와 왜곡을 포착하여 현실을 초현실에 가깝게 표현합니다. 이렇게 만들어진 거울, 반사, 환영의 이미지를 통해 인간의 몸과 마음이 어떻게 시각화되고 해석될 수 있는지 살펴봅니다.
The Danish photographer Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen blurs the line between photography and painting, reality and fantasy in an exploration of the human body and the subconscious self in her first monograph Self Reflection.
Mirrors, reflections and illusions are some of Ebbesen’s photographic tools, where she examines how the human body and mind can be visualized and interpreted by the viewer. The distorted materials, used throughout the book, blur the lines between photography and painting, providing a symbolic boundary between reality and imagination. By placing nature, the nude body, fruits and flowers in a surreal context, Ebbesen creates a clash between the familiar and the odd. The distortions are always created in camera by photographing through various reflections and never by using Photoshop or AI, thus keeping reality close to the surreal.
Formally educated as a Medical Doctor, Ebbesen is interested in the intersection between art and science. Her studies of the psyche, the senses, and the body are seen in many of her works from tattered faces and contorted naked bodies to self-portraits and still life’s.
Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen (b. 1994) is an autodidact photographer and film director from Copenhagen, Denmark. Ebbesen’s works have been exhibited in many places in both Europe and the United States and she has worked for magazines such as Vanity Fair and Vogue. Self Reflection is published with support from Fotografiska Museum Stockholm to accompany her recently opened solo exhibition ‘Kaleidoscope’. Henriette is a part of the European Futures Photography program in 2024.
March 2024
ISBN 9788797352687