롱 북스 Long Books는 포르투갈의 건축 전문 출판사 Amag Publisher에서 발행하는 시리즈로 건축에서 새로운 패러다임을 확립하는 독특한 프로젝트들을 소개합니다. 현대적인 개념적 그래픽 언어로, 각 서적마다 1000권의 한정판으로 번호가 매겨져 있으며, 다양한 규모와 형식적 맥락에서 건축적 표현의 경계를 확장하는 작업을 기록하고 있습니다.
LB 12 SCHOOL AARWANGEN, is the fourth of five titles from the LONG BOOK series of BRANDENBERGER KLOTER ARCHITECTS, aimed at inviting readers to engage with the relevance and function of public buildings. It questions existing structures and identifies requirements, in order to find answers for the contemporary design of public buildings.
This volume begins with an interview conducted and written by Niki Zaugg, with the urban psychologist Alice Hollenstein, commented by Oliver Brandenberger and Adrian Kloter.
The two Basel-based architects, regard the needs of future users to be a key aspect of conceiving new buildings, forming the basis of their designs. The resulting spaces have a high quality, where people feel comfortable and can develop.
December 2022
ISBN 9789895390533