1960년부터 2022년까지 이세이 미야케 Issey Miyake의 옷에 대한 역사와 디자이너의 비전, 그리고 대담함을 전문적으로 조명하는 책 Issey Miyake는 미야케 디자인 스튜디오 Miyake Design Studio를 설립하기 전 그의 경력 초기부터 소재와 기법의 질감에 중점을 둔 독창성을 탐구합니다.
이 책은 키타무라 미도리 Midori Kitamura가 이세이 미야케와 50년 가까이 협업한 경험을 바탕으로 시작하고 구상한 것으로, 천 조각 콘셉트의 옷, 1980년대의 바디 Body 시리즈, 미야케 플리츠 Miyake Pleats 시리즈, 플리츠 플리즈 Pleats Please와 같은 실용적이고 일상적인 디자인을 통해 소재와 기술 혁신을 이야기합니다. 또한, 이세이 미야케 특유의 독창성을 담은 사진과 저명한 문화계 인사인 고이케 가즈코 Kazuko Koike의 에세이를 통해 이세이 미야케의 작품 연대기뿐만 아니라 그의 10대 시절부터 이어져 온 야망과 영감을 살펴봅니다.
In 1983, Japanese designer Issey Miyake told The New Yorker that he aspired “to forge ahead, to break the mold.” With the boundary-defying fashion lines that followed, he not only broke molds, but recast clothing altogether. With a unique fusion of poetry and practicality, his creations blur the boundaries between tradition, modern technology, and everyday function.
This definitive history of Miyake’s clothes from 1960 to 2022 offers expert insight into the designer’s vision and daring. Initiated and conceived by Midori Kitamura, the book looks at the texture-driven originality of Miyake’s materials and techniques from the very earliest days of his career, before he had even established the Miyake Design Studio. Drawing on nearly 50 years of collaborative work with Miyake, Kitamura creates an encyclopedic reference of his material and technical innovations through the clothes based on A Piece of Cloth concept, Body Series of the 1980s, Miyake Pleats series, and such practical, everyday designs as Pleats Please pieces.
Stunning photographs capture his clothes in their particular quotidian originality. In her far-reaching essay, meanwhile, leading cultural figure Kazuko Koike offers both a complete chronology of Miyake’s work, and an unprecedented personal profile, looking at the ambition and inspirations that have driven his repertoire from tender teenage years. A must-have for designers, students, and fashion devotees, this is a timeless tribute to one of the most innovative makers of our age.
July 2024
ISBN 9783836596053