이 책에 실린 초상화 시리즈는 아리 마르코풀로스 Ari Marcopoulos가 2013년과 2023년에 도쿄와 교토를 여행하면서 촬영한 것입니다. 비공식적인 촬영임에도 불구하고, 각 개인은 자신감과 솔직함을 가지고 카메라를 응시하며, 그 순간에 빠르게 형성된 신뢰 관계를 보여줍니다.
The series of portraits in this book were made during two trips that Ari Marcopoulos made to Tokyo and Kyoto, in 2013 and 2023 respectively. Despite the informality of the situation in which the subjects are captured, each individual meets the camera’s gaze with a sense of self-assurance and openness that reflects the trust that was quickly gained in each situation. The images reveal the crucial affinity between his camera and the technical skills and athleticism on display – a generous understanding of creativity and technique that goes beyond conventional boundaries and in which the distinction between practicing and performance becomes unimportant.
ISBN 9789464460612