롱 북스 Long Books는 포르투갈의 건축 전문 출판사 Amag Publisher에서 발행하는 시리즈로 건축에서 새로운 패러다임을 확립하는 독특한 프로젝트들을 소개합니다. 현대적인 개념적 그래픽 언어로, 각 서적마다 1000권의 한정판으로 번호가 매겨져 있으며, 다양한 규모와 형식적 맥락에서 건축적 표현의 경계를 확장하는 작업을 기록하고 있습니다.
LB 07, is the 7th title from AMAG LONG BOOKS COLLECTION, and the 3rd dedicate to Sir DAVID ADJAYE’s work.
Sited on the northwest corner of Martin Luther King, Jr. Park, this Winter Park Library & Events Center embodies the values of the park’s namesake and is envisioned as a space for community empowerment and edification. As part of an extensive revitalization of the park, the new hub is in harmony with the unique tropical ecology of the site and is conceived as a micro-village of three pavilions, each of different scale and function but which share a common formal language. The village is comprised of a new two-story library, an event center with rooftop terrace, as well as a new welcome portico that ushers users from the street and unifies the three structures. Guided by biophilic design principles, all three pavilions–composed of rose-pigmented concrete– rest on a raised belvedere that provides idyllic views onto Lake Mendsen, increasing connectivity to the park’s wellness offerings and supporting a new network of exterior green community spaces that run between the three structures.
September 2023
ISBN 9789895333080