LB 06 André Campos, Joana Mendes, Pedro Guedes de Oliveira: Fábrica em Barcelos
Published by Amag Publisher

"Fábrica em Barcelos, presented at AMAG LONG BOOK 06, is a manufacturing textile facility in northern portugal - co–authored by André Campos, Joana Mendes and Pedro Guedes de Oliveira.

The authors achieved through a series of apparently simple choices – a repetitive module of window detail that allows for well-proportioned multiplication and the exception (the reception entrance) and a careful choice of interior spanning beams and their cared layout that are even able to accommodate effortlessly one very special ‘encased’ staircase.

In the end, a silent architecture of design and materials common to existing and neighbouring industrial buildings, adapted to the topography, and framed in the urban context."






November 2022

ISBN 9789895333073

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