Going to Love You
Published by Nieves

출판사 니브스 Nieves의 『Going to Love You』에는 다양한 감정 상태와 상황에 놓여있는 하트 모양의 머리를 가진 인물들이 등장합니다. 평범함과 비범함을 오가는 이 서적은 다정한 사랑의 순간부터 스케이트를 타는 장면까지 다양한 캐릭터들의 감정 변화를 담고 있습니다. 이 책의 저자 마크 곤잘레스 Mark Gonzales는 미국에서 활동하는 작가이자 프로 스케이트보더로, 1980년대 중반부터 스트리트 스케이트보딩 발전에 크게 기여한 인물입니다. 그의 예술 작품은 스케이트보딩에서 비롯되었으며, 비현실적이고 유머러스한 캐릭터들이 등장합니다.


This new body of work consists of paintings featuring heart-headed figures in various emotional states and situations that sometimes teeter between the ordinary and extraordinary. From tender amorous moments to unexpected skate scenes, the work is full of the next iteration of emotive “schmoo” characters.

Mark Gonzales is an American artist and professional skateboarder best known for his profound contribution to the development of street skateboarding from the mid-1980s onward. Gonzales’ creative outlook is evident in his ability to perform inventive new tricks using the existing framework of urban architecture like handrails, stairs, and ledges. His artwork grew out of the same environment as his skateboarding and includes illustrating zines, which often have surreal and humorous characters, as well as producing and collaborating on projects with Harmony Korine and Spike Jonze. Born on June 1, 1968 in South Gate, CA, he began skateboarding by the age of 13 and formed the company Blind Skateboards in 1989. While pursuing his sporting career, the artist began drawing in his free time and created graphics for Krooked Skateboards. Since then, he has collaborated with the clothing brand Supreme and Adidas to name just a few. He currently has work on view at the Brooklyn Museum where 40 of his zines are featured in the show “Copy Machine Manifestos: Artists Who Make Zines”. He lives and works in New York.







ISBN 9783907179741

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